Sunday, June 13, 2010

Let the Babysitting Begin...

So. Like I mentioned in my last blog post, I finally came up with a post-grad plan. I figured picking a city would be a little bit better for me than waiting around on a job. This way, I can at least narrow my search a bit.

However, until a company (ANY company) recognizes that my talents simply cannot be put to waste and decides to hire me, I have decided to babysit. Here are my thoughts behind it: yes, it will leave a teeny blank in my resume but it will provide some serious cashflow and connect me to people who may have just the connections that I need.

Thus far, babysitting has been quite the experience. Here is what I have learned (and what all babysitters should understand):
  • Children, particularly under the age of four, do not express when they need to use the bathroom so you must ask over and over. Otherwise, it could cause a seriously unfortunate situation.
  • If a child opts not to nap, a major disintegration will occur. Be prepared.
  • Going to the pool is by NO means an "easy" day. In fact, it may be more difficult than entertaining children that are not allowed to watch TV.
  • The second you get locked out of a house, the kids will decide that they are hungry, hot and bored. And more than likely, the neighbors will not have a spare key.
  • Kids tend to get some sort of pleasure out of doing the exact opposite of what you ask them to do... unless, of course, you bribe them with candy.

These are only a few of the many wisdoms I'm sure to learn in the next month. After all, I've only been babysitting for two weeks anyway. So stay tuned because there will surely be more stories to come...

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