Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sigh of Relief

I know I haven't written in a while - but let's just say that these last few weeks have been a serious roller coaster ride. Now I'm down to five days left on my college campus and it's time to write.

No, I am not employed yet and yes, I am still searching thoroughly. But I do have a plan and in my Type A book, that's all that matters.

It was figuring out that plan that was so stressful...

About 2 weeks ago, I was offered a house sitting opportunity. One week later, the woman reneged. A week later, the offer was available again. Fishy, eh? My thoughts exactly.

But, lacking a salary and needing a free place to live, I decided to visit the house. Here was my (seriously hopeful) vision: relatively large home in a great neighborhood, cute family, and wealthy enough to both "summer" (not vacation) and afford a house sitter. I knew two cats were involved but if the aforementioned situation existed, it could be worth it.

Reality did not match my vision.

Okay, yes, the house looked normal from the outside. But the second she opened the door, I knew the situation would not work out. Strange looking dolls sat on her hallway tables, blue ribbons lined the ceiling of the living room and a picture of the woman and her husband, dressed in a 18th century gown and tails, sat atop the TV.

The tour proceeded and we visited the bedrooms. At this point, I could barely eke out a smile, much less a "how quaint!" sort of comment. The guest bedroom was bare with only a bed placed in the corner. No headboard, no bedspread...nothing. A second bedroom consisted of junk, scattered everywhere. (At this point, I wanted to yell "No!!!" and run for the car). The master bedroom was much more decorated, but in no way that sparked my interest.

If this visualization did not turn me off enough, the woman had more than an obsession with her two cats. In fact, the need for the house sitter arose because the cats would be too lonely for the entire summer and needed constant love and attention. (I have not yet mentioned my extreme disgust/fear of cats but it exists.) She even told me that the cats would sleep with me...! Immediate deal-breaker.

Needless to say, after this almost indescribable experience, I declined the house sitting job and found a house with two friends.

Yes, it was a free place to live for someone with no steady salary but in the end, I'd rather spend what little money I have on rent than go home to a piano-painted kitchen table in a cat-lover's house.

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