Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Dreaded Interview

It's been over a month since my last blog post (pathetic, I know) but I'm back! And I've made a very important (and ambitious, I might add) decision to blog on the reg - blow off some steam, publish my daily wisdoms... those kinds of things.

And since I have dedicated this blog to unemployed graduates across the nation, perhaps I should blog about something related to just that: interviews.

This week, I had my first in-person interview in a long time. Sure, I've had phone "conversations" and interviews and exchanged emails but this week, I was called in for the real deal.

Until now, I've been fairly confident in myself when it comes to interviews: I'm eager, professional and generally prepared. This confidence is often shattered when a question pops up that I do not know how to answer. I stumble over my words, chatter nervously and ultimately fail.

So this week, I am determined to do the opposite. And with one interview down, I can say that I have succeeded thus far. Here are the key wisdoms I've come to learn about interviews:

1. Show some personality: Until now, the employer has seen only a resume. You are a mere sheet of paper. Therefore, be personable - yes, you should remain professional but you want to show that you are a human being.

2. Know the company: It never hurts to do some research about the company itself before going into the interview. Read their recent press releases, check out their clients and understand their mission. This lets the employer know that you've done your homework.

3. Make your goals clear: My dad is constantly reminding me of this and I have finally begun to see the light. Write down the three points that make you the best candidate (e.g. your education, experience and work ethic) and emphasize these points in different ways throughout the interview.

4. Ask questions! This goes with #2. Once you've understood the company and the position you're applying for, prepare questions - always! You are interviewing the company just as much as they are interviewing you. For all you know, the position pays hourly minimum wage!

The list isn't long but for me, it's extremely helpful. And for having completed only one of my interviews this week, I'd say that I've made some serious headway in terms of my interviewing skills.

Today's interview prep paid off - now just keep your fingers crossed that I get a callback!

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